Friday, May 28, 2010

Internet Marketing & Lifestyle Seminar DVD Sets Review

I've been running my kids clothing store online for 2 years now and it was doing ok, but as with anyone else, I was wondering why my competitors were absolutely wiping the floor with me. I was comfortable making $43k net, but who doesn't want to make more money?

Well, I set abuot trying to find a mentor or a business consultant, to show me where I was going wrong. This is when I stumbled across Neil Asher. Instantly, I thought it sounded like a neil asher scam not a money making opportunity. Anyone can make up testimonials saying my business is making millions now comapred to before when it was making a few?

But as much as I thought it was a neil asher scam, I tried it. Being in the circle of receiving the newsletters and sales letters, it has showed such simple (and some complex) ways I was going wrong and it was really worth it in the end to force my business to grow.

The free 30 day offer on the No Crap system was a welcome one, I only invest into my company when I know the outcome. As it was free, I didn't have any doubt, I always try something once, if I get burnt then I get burnt, but at least I tried. If you had to pay ?10,000 up front then it would be a No Crap scam, not the tools to be successful.

Looking through the DVDs you have the option to go back and watch them again and again. The newsletters come every month and continue to bolster my business. I'm making R125-150k a year now, it will be more, I just need to employ more staff as I cannot keep up with the orders and have pretend some of the kids clothes are out of stock until the mania calms down. I cannot thank Neil enough, those newsletters are like gold dust coming into my inbox. I literally cannot wait for the next one. It feels sometimes that I look forward to receiving those than my customer's orders!

The monthly newsletters are only $30, same as my wife's WEEKLY mobile phone useage. The only thing is, I make so much money from implementing the ideas and tricks from the newsletters that, her bill doesn't really bother me. I know there's more to come from my business, it really is my laziness in not getting the staff, suppliers and other 3rd party people in place fast enough. As Neil says, you have to be quick in this game and just writing this has made me realize I need to push myself to get the results.

It did seem like it was too good to be true at first, but as the first month is free and less than $30 per month you aren't really killing yourself. If I wanted to save money per month, I'd smash my wife's mobile not stop paying for internet marketing gold.

D. Johnson, Minnesota

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